You were all so kind in January to read our very serious 4-part series entitled Three Truths and a Lie About Board Evaluations. (Didn’t get to read them? Here are links: Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3 and Part 4.)
With all the political news, including the widespread vilification of DEI, there were many weighty topics to choose from for today’s newsletter. But they were all so grim – and controversial. They stressed me out just thinking about them and my cardiologist tells me to avoid stress. (Her solutions are meditating, which has never been my thing, and mind-altering drugs, which I didn’t do in my 20s so probably won’t start now.)
Then I “met” Dizzy Vixen and immediately knew the TrewNews I wanted to write.
Dizzy Vixen is the pseudonym of a recently retired C-suite executive who serves on numerous high-profile boards. With the spare time afforded by retirement, Dizzy has taken up song writing. As a curious person, Dizzy figured out, in 25 minutes, how to use the many apps that exist today to compose the music and lyrics to her first song.
Dizzy is actually an old friend with whom I talk about many topics, in addition to all things board related. I heard about her first song because we were lamenting how much time we had each recently spent waiting for help on a customer service phone line (chatbots were no better in terms of time or satisfaction). To cheer me up, Dizzy sent me a link to her tune called Holdin’ On (Customer Service Blues).
Dizzy now has numerous songs on Spotify and YouTube, that poke fun at life’s frustrations and injustices. My favorite is the F--- It Bucket. The whole idea of it is so perfect.
I told my cardiologist that I discovered another solution to reducing stress and now she prescribes a "F--- It Bucket" to all her patients. No prior approval required from your insurance company!
The links above are to Dizzy Vixen's songs on YouTube. (You can also find Dizzy on Spotify.) While you are listening, think about whether Dizzy is actually one of your fellow directors…
All the Best!
P.S. For the parents and grandparents receiving this newsletter, Dizzy (under the name Dizzy Dancerz) also has a children's song and video about a rocket launch which was inspired by Dizzy's grandchildren.