Trewstar Corporate Board Services

Trewstar is Diversifying

April 04, 2023

Dear Friends of Trewstar,
We find our work with corporate boards and C-suite executives so gratifying that we are officially diversifying beyond board refreshment.
What else are we doing?
Activist related searches – We are working with companies on “activist” defense. Sometimes this entails updating boards voluntarily before activists come in with their own candidates. And at other times, it is in response to an activist approach.
Executive searches – Many clients have asked us to help them fill executive roles, and when the role is at the C-suite or executive team level, we have accepted the assignment. We have enjoyed our work finding C-suite executives in all skill set roles and are working on CEO succession projects as well.
Advisory councils – We are bringing new meaning and effectiveness to advisory boards, whether they are set up to support the board, the management team, or both. The quality of the executives who join our advisory boards is unparalleled. That is half of the equation for success. The other half is to design the right expectations and have a true plan for execution. We are making sure the advisory members and the corporations emerge with their goals realized.
Reverse searches – CEOs are asking us to find appropriate board roles for key high potential C-suite executives. These CEOs see board roles as a development opportunity and a way of rewarding and retaining their outstanding talent.
Mixed slate director searches – When companies have broadened the composition of their boardrooms, we expand our search criteria to identify candidates with the needed skills and experiences without regard to gender and racial diversity.
This year, for the first time, I watched the finals of the Women’s NCAA basketball tournament – LSU vs Iowa. What a game with such amazing women athletes! I also enjoyed the fashion show on the sidelines. Check out LSU coach Kim Mulkey’s sparkling tiger striped pantsuit. She's a winner!
Best wishes for springtime activities,